This Topless Man Broke Record For Barefoot Half Marathon On Snow

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Discovering certain records that exist unbeknownst to you can be surprising. Yet, upon learning of them, you might find relief in the fact that someone else took on the challenge. Take Josef Salek from the Czech Republic, for instance. 

Recently, he faced freezing temperatures with only shorts on to smash the record for the fastest half marathon barefoot on ice/snow. Guinness World Records has officially recognized his remarkable feat.

What’s The Topless Man Record All About?

This Topless Man Broke Record For Barefoot Half Marathon On Snow
This Topless Man Broke Record For Barefoot Half Marathon On Snow | Source: Unsplash

Salek has clinched a new record with a time of 1:50:42, which coincidentally matches the typical time for a half marathon run on regular roads. This record had stood unchallenged for 16 years until now. Previously held by Wim ‘The Iceman’ Hof, who completed his barefoot-on-ice half marathon in 2:06:34 back in 2007. 

It’s worth noting that Hof, a Dutch fitness expert, ran shirtless for the Discovery Channel documentary “Real Super-humans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic.” Whether the shirtless aspect contributes to the barefoot record criteria or is merely a bold style choice remains uncertain.

Furthermore, Salek had already made waves last year by breaking the record for the longest time in an abdominal plank position for males, clocking an impressive time of 9:38:47.

How Did Salek (the topless man) Prepare For The Marathon?

Topless Man
Real Super-humans and the Quest for the Future Fantastic | Source: Unsplash

Salek, known affectionately as Joska, wears multiple hats – he’s a therapist, lecturer, and an advocate for personal development. In gearing up for his record-breaking feat, he adopted a rather chilling routine: for 14 days leading up to the attempt, he soaked his feet daily in a frosty tub of ice. It’s a preparation that might seem extreme to most, but for someone accustomed to pushing boundaries, it was just another step towards greatness.

This isn’t Salek’s first foray into testing the limits of his endurance. He’s no stranger to putting his feet through grueling ordeals, having previously traversed surfaces like scorching hot coals and treacherous glass shards with bare soles. So, when faced with the prospect of running barefoot on ice, it almost feels like a leisurely stroll through the park in comparison.

However, as fate would have it, the night before the attempt posed an unexpected challenge. The course froze over entirely, rendering it impassable. It seemed as though Salek’s aspirations might be thwarted before they even began. But thanks to the dedication of a team of volunteers, who diligently cleared and prepared the frozen track, Salek’s dream remained alive.

Navigating the icy terrain demanded not just physical prowess but also strategic maneuvering. Salek employed a zigzagging technique and adjusted his running rhythm constantly to prevent slipping. Despite his best efforts, the uphill stretches posed formidable obstacles, testing his resolve to the fullest. Yet, with each step, Salek persisted, driven by a determination to conquer the icy expanse and etch his name in the annals of record-breaking history.

Let’s Wrap Up!

Salek, the topless man reflected on his record-breaking achievement with profound insight, emphasizing the invaluable lessons learned from overcoming obstacles. “Every hurdle presents an opportunity for creativity,” he remarked thoughtfully. “It challenges us to explore new avenues and devise innovative solutions.” Such an outlook, he believes, holds the key to breaking free from the shackles of doubt, fear, and self-criticism that often plague our journey through life.

By embracing this mindset, Salek suggests, we reclaim agency over our lives. We no longer surrender to the whims of our inner demons but instead take charge of our own destinies. In doing so, we not only navigate challenges with resilience but also cultivate a profound sense of empowerment. It’s a philosophy that encourages us to confront adversity head-on, armed with the conviction that every setback is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.


How did Salek, the topless man prepare for his record-breaking attempt?

Salek, known for his resilience and determination, undertook an unconventional preparation method. For 14 days leading up to the attempt, he submerged his feet in a tub of ice daily, conditioning himself for the icy challenge ahead.

What motivated Salek, the topless man to pursue barefoot running on ice despite the daunting obstacles?

Salek is no stranger to pushing boundaries. Having previously conquered challenging terrains like hot coals and glass shards with bare feet, the allure of breaking records on ice seemed like a natural progression for him. His unwavering determination and thirst for adventure fueled his pursuit of this daring feat.

How did Salek, the topless man overcome the unexpected obstacle of a frozen course the night before his attempt?

Despite facing a frozen track that threatened to derail his aspirations, Salek’s dream remained intact thanks to the dedication of a team of volunteers. Through their collective efforts, they diligently cleared and prepared the icy terrain, ensuring Salek had a shot at making history.

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